2013年10月31日 星期四
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we wish to discuss your unique role in the expansion of consciousness.
Your unique role begins with your own expanding consciousness. Your point of consciousness is your guiding force. It is your source of joy, inspiration, and direction. It guides you and defines you as an individual. It determines your vibrational level and defines your Soul Signature.
2013年10月29日 星期二
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
In truth dear ones, you can never lose God's love, for that is all there is! Everything increation is fashioned from this love. Everything is unique reflection of this love. In some cases, this love is obvious – as in the miracle of a setting sun, the eyes of a baby, or a situation which brings you great joy. Sometimes this love is hidden, buried beneath the surface – as in the case of a cantankerous or unloving human being, or the thorns of a rosebush, or in a difficult challenge. Nevertheless, the thorns love and protect the roses. The cantankerous individuals are thorny because they do not know a kinder way to love and protect themselves. In your challenges, you find strength.
Beloved Ones,
The world around you is filled with many distractions that demand your attention and focus. It is very easy to get caught up in the polarity games as they play out and it is important for the Light Bearers to hold their ground. As you have already experienced many times, the headlines in your news media's are generated to attract followers. Remember that where you put your thoughts and focus is what in turn, you will bring into manifestation. It is advisable to keep your thoughts and focus on what you want to experience in your personal world rather than that which is dissolving and disintegrating in the higher frequencies. The old world paradigms are no longer working even though there is a frenzied effort to bring them back.
The world around you is filled with many distractions that demand your attention and focus. It is very easy to get caught up in the polarity games as they play out and it is important for the Light Bearers to hold their ground. As you have already experienced many times, the headlines in your news media's are generated to attract followers. Remember that where you put your thoughts and focus is what in turn, you will bring into manifestation. It is advisable to keep your thoughts and focus on what you want to experience in your personal world rather than that which is dissolving and disintegrating in the higher frequencies. The old world paradigms are no longer working even though there is a frenzied effort to bring them back.
2013年10月28日 星期一
2013年10月26日 星期六
Many people are reluctant to enter into surrender and flow because they fear it will take them to somewhere undesirable. This will not happen. Let us tell you why.
You come into the body with your unique passions, interests and callings. You have those interests to act as your inner GPS, to help guide you to what you are here to do and to have your highest life expression. The problem is, many of you dismiss those passions as being frivolous, and go on to make choices based on duty, responsibility, and monetary gain. What brings you joy then takes a backseat, and you have sadly become farther and farther away from your true purpose. This is why so many human beings are finding themselves depressed, exhausted and far from having a life expression that honours them.
2013年10月25日 星期五
口述/齊柏林 整理/李安君、張婷臻
2013年10月24日 星期四
【Aurora 極光飛船】2013年10月21日:揚升進程更新
There has been many questions and confusion as of late as to how the Ascension Process is going, what has happened, and what has yet to happen. The process of Ascension (also referred to as raising consciousness or raising vibration) is being activated by a Universal energy known as the Photon Belt. The Photon Belt has been named Dark Matter by the scientific community, and is currently being studied by those in the fields of Astronomy and Astrophysics. The Photon Belt appears as a dark stripe in space. What the Photon Belt contains is a higher vibrational energy, and it is actually much like a line of delineation between dimensional planes. The Photon Belt has reached its closest point to Earth this year, remaining nearby for the next 11 years. Due to the presence of the Photon Belt, the raise in vibration of the planet (Ascension) is beginning to take place; one person, one locale, one community at a time. As such, there are pockets where Ascension has already begun.
【銀河聯邦 SaLuSa】2013年10月22日信息:專注於你渴望體驗的一切,自由地為自己做出選擇與決定
2013年10月22日 星期二
Greetings dear people of the great planet Gaia, we rejoice with you as we observe the Light flowing forth from and to you at this time. Earth is moving quickly toward a new universal energy which increases with every person who opens their heart and mind to new and higher ways of seeing. We observe people the world over questioning and asking themselves if what they are being told by those in charge is actually true. This questioning indicates personal and universal receptivity to truth which in turn brings focus and change to the myriad forms of powerlessness so many still experience. This is how change happens.
Beloved Ones,
Behold yourselves in the mirror and you will see that the transformation of your physical bodies is occurring. There is a glow of radiance in your countenance and an indefinable something that others around you perceive. This will happen more frequently with every successful releasing of old programs and belief systems as they occur. As these are let go, more light is assimilated into your human operating system. Many of you have a great field of light that surrounds you wherever you go and this is a welcome, albeit unperceived, blessing for the people in your field of influence, which is expanding constantly.
Behold yourselves in the mirror and you will see that the transformation of your physical bodies is occurring. There is a glow of radiance in your countenance and an indefinable something that others around you perceive. This will happen more frequently with every successful releasing of old programs and belief systems as they occur. As these are let go, more light is assimilated into your human operating system. Many of you have a great field of light that surrounds you wherever you go and this is a welcome, albeit unperceived, blessing for the people in your field of influence, which is expanding constantly.
2013年10月18日 星期五
【父母神】你準備好了來接受一些月食魔法了嗎? 月食是遊戲的變局!
Are you ready for some eclipse magic? Eclipses are game-changers
Submitted by FatherMotherGod (父母神) on Tue,10/15/2013
Around us and within us, our Cosmos is alive with the fierce, insistent energies of big change and deep transformation. The Moon is waxing towards a potent Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 7:37 pm EDT Friday.
Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support as the New Earth energies now begin to blossom upon and within planet earth. These energies are now allowing for the manifestation of the dreams that reside within the heart space and we ask for you to allow ALL to unfold and to LET GO in TRUTH. For many of you at this time there may be huge frustration as you allow the old 3d earth to try to teach that your dream is being snatched away from you and we guide for you to TRUST in the process that is now unfolding for your SOUL is guiding at all times. Under the old 3d earth paradigms you were taught to plan and to logically pursue any “dreams” that you harboured and we taught deeply that the embracing of said dream involved much “hard work” and “energy”. Many at this time are filtering out the delivery of the manifestation of their dreams due to this highly distorted teaching. Beloved ones as the New Earth energies begin now to anchor and blossom then you will begin to align fully with the new frequency of Mother Earth. This will see new way of living and BEing birthed upon and within the planet earth and birthed within SELF. For the movement of the LOVE that IS into and through your human vehicle will see you in the FLOW. This is where the manifestation becomes akin to breathing. For in TRUTH you are BEings of vast energy who have been taught to ignore your own power and strength.
Upon completion of the crystalline grid, in December of 2012, new potentials became available on Earth. 2013 is a year of your bodies and your consciousness re-formatting to the New Harmonics of Consciousness. This has inspired much expansion in each of you this year. This expansion can be uplifting, challenging or often -- both. It is always driven at a soul level and what is opening for each of you is empowered by these New Harmonics and released into your experience as your resonance with these codes is achieved. When you are compatible with higher dimensional energy fields, they open automatically, as if by magic, in your consciousness.
2013年10月17日 星期四
大天使麥克透過 Celia Fenn 傳導
Beloved Family of Light, it has been an intense and tumultuous few months since the Planetary New Year in July and the influx of New Light through the Stargates in July and August. These Energy Shifts have brought Change at a very Deep Level.
大天使麥克透過 Celia Fenn 傳導
Beloved Family of Light, it has been an intense and tumultuous few months since the Planetary New Year in July and the influx of New Light through the Stargates in July and August. These Energy Shifts have brought Change at a very Deep Level.
You have thought of enlightenment as an accomplishment. It is not. That is the wrong way to look at it. Enlightenment is liberation. Enlightenment is freedom. Enlightenment is Me breaking you out of jail.
Beloved Ones,
The heavens smile down upon the Earth as she moves into alignment with her destiny. Seen from the higher realms, the wonder of this movement is beyond reckoning. The celestial movements that are occurring and will continue to occur bring transformation of the highest order. The old ways are fast becoming just a dream and new beginnings are ripe with potential. These are times spoken of through the ages and it is now here at last. First it begins on the etheric energy levels and filters its way into every facet of life and living upon your planet. Profound change and transformation is wending its way into every cell of existence and the Earth is being prepared for a grand ceremony.
The heavens smile down upon the Earth as she moves into alignment with her destiny. Seen from the higher realms, the wonder of this movement is beyond reckoning. The celestial movements that are occurring and will continue to occur bring transformation of the highest order. The old ways are fast becoming just a dream and new beginnings are ripe with potential. These are times spoken of through the ages and it is now here at last. First it begins on the etheric energy levels and filters its way into every facet of life and living upon your planet. Profound change and transformation is wending its way into every cell of existence and the Earth is being prepared for a grand ceremony.
2013年10月16日 星期三
2013年10月15日 星期二
2013年10月14日 星期一
2013年10月11日 星期五
2013年10月8日 星期二
輕和重 到底意味什麼
美人會走 若干時間以後
吟唱在山巔水涯 深情注視
我笑在豔陽下 滿盈我歡暢的夏
Beloved Ones,
The process of the re-evaluation of your lives and what is important for your greater health, well being and happiness and the letting go of all that does not serve you has been uppermost in your hearts. Some decisions are difficult to make as it means a resetting and reformulating of your former priorities and goals. Asking yourselves some hard questions has been helping you to see with more clarity those areas and ways of being that hold you back from moving forward with enthusiasm and joy. Just remember that the bottom line in each choice that you make is: does this make you feel good about yourself, does it bring more expansion and empowerment to you, do you feel inspired and uplifted, and do you feel a greater sense of freedom when you contemplate the value of a relationship, goal or desire in your everyday life.
The process of the re-evaluation of your lives and what is important for your greater health, well being and happiness and the letting go of all that does not serve you has been uppermost in your hearts. Some decisions are difficult to make as it means a resetting and reformulating of your former priorities and goals. Asking yourselves some hard questions has been helping you to see with more clarity those areas and ways of being that hold you back from moving forward with enthusiasm and joy. Just remember that the bottom line in each choice that you make is: does this make you feel good about yourself, does it bring more expansion and empowerment to you, do you feel inspired and uplifted, and do you feel a greater sense of freedom when you contemplate the value of a relationship, goal or desire in your everyday life.
2013年10月7日 星期一
【光天使Urim十月訊息】勇敢活出獨一無二的你, 你的心將帶領你展開多次元的創造之旅
2013年10月6日 星期日
我問你 我問你
我問你 我問你
告訴我 請你不要再難過
2013年10月5日 星期六
各位親愛的地球夥伴們,我們是來自宇宙源頭的Higher能量群,在此透過日光(Satyam Rahasyo)與寂靜(Venya)這兩個立志來到地球,協助人類靈魂覺醒與重生創造的管道向你們發聲。
作詞:鍾麗莉 作曲:黃大城
女孩 為什麼哭泣
女孩 為什麼歎息
2013年10月4日 星期五
Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support as the energies prepare for a new way of living and a new way of BEing to be birthed physically upon and within planet earth. We come to explain in detail that which will now unfold and help those of you who have chosen a human form to fully understand the reasons for your incarnation onto and within this planet and the reasons for the shift in your energy signature. It is not TRUTH to state that ALL who are incarnate into human form at this time on planet earth are star seeds, indeed many are but many are other life forms that have incarnated into human form in order to help human consciousness evolve and in order to help the races/realms at this time as they prepare to remember who they are in TRUTH.
2013年10月3日 星期四
問: 請問您關於臨在的教導與現在流行的所謂吸引力法則的教導之間的基本區別是什麽?在吸引力法則教導的背後真正的問題是關於欲望的,我總是感覺自己非常傾向於蘇菲的教導,它說在我的欲望背後深深隱藏的是對神的渴望。然而,吸引力法則的倡導者們說如果你以某種方式思考或是感覺,那麽你可以擁有你想要的任何東西,或是成為你想成為的任何樣子。當我聽到這個說法的時候,我總是看見一個紅色警示,因為我想如果用這個方法,自我可能會變得瘋狂。我的問題是,有沒有一種更深層次的渴望,是並非來自於自我的?
2013年10月2日 星期三
Sense what feels right for you
Strive to trust what you feel. Your angel guidance is to look deeper at all the relationships, people and situations in your life right now and respond from your inner feelings. Feelings that come from within your beingness. That still quiet voice that says, "Don't do that", or "Don't go there", or "Yes, that is the way to go", or "Follow that feather and see where it lands" or perhaps even, "Say hello and smile at that person". These are all promptings of your inner being, your spirit self that is always connected to your physical self. As you look deeper into your relationships, see the love that underlies all of them. Let that love be your guide.
Strive to trust what you feel. Your angel guidance is to look deeper at all the relationships, people and situations in your life right now and respond from your inner feelings. Feelings that come from within your beingness. That still quiet voice that says, "Don't do that", or "Don't go there", or "Yes, that is the way to go", or "Follow that feather and see where it lands" or perhaps even, "Say hello and smile at that person". These are all promptings of your inner being, your spirit self that is always connected to your physical self. As you look deeper into your relationships, see the love that underlies all of them. Let that love be your guide.
【銀河聯邦 - SaLuSa】2013年10月1日信息:清理恐懼,與更高的存在現實和愛的能量對齊校準
How do you feel right now? There are so many changes going on right at this moment within you, that you might feel confused and might ask if this is what September energies should bring. This confusion is due to your alignment with your own higher frequency and your higher reality of existence that you are entering at this moment. Accept this confusion, as it is still showing you what to work on and with successful clearing of these issues you are helping not only yourself but also all others. You might not have this awareness yet, but you are led by us and your Guides to this point, when you realize that there is nothing to clear, nothing is causing any fear or doubt and you are ready, ready to enter the higher realm of new and loving possibilities. To say it in few words, September was a wonderful month for you, because you were able to merge all unconscious to conscious and let go of so many issues that were holding you back and this was not an easy task to do, knowing the nature of 3D experiences. But you have made it with such grace, not allowing yourselves to turn back for a moment and constantly accepted the fact that this is the thing that you must do before you enter all these beautiful realities that you have created. We congratulate to all of you who successfully made this transition, and we want to let you know that very close is even closer that some of you might think.
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