Why We Must Activate Our Third Eye (Indigo Chakra Cleansing), Plus How to Do It. 我們已經忘掉了自己是誰,我們能做什麼。據說亞特蘭蒂斯文明已經掌握了三眼輪巨大的力量或藍靛(眉心輪)脈輪,但在這所大陸被毀前卻用於負面目標。 We have forgotten who we are and what we can do. It is said that the Atlantean civilization had harnessed the great power of the third eye or indigo (Ajna) chakra, but had begun to use it for negative purposes before the continent was destroyed. 在物質世界,利益驅使控制著社會,我們從未得到暗示打開我們的三眼輪,如果我們做了,這個社會將會獲得你永遠無法想像的永久性的改變。
In our materialistic, profit driven and controlled society, we're never encouraged to open our third eye, for if we do, society would change unrecognisably for ever. 三眼輪、藍靛或眉心輪、松果體、全視之眼,不管你如何稱它,是我們連接物質塵世幻相和宇宙無窮智慧(精神世界)的通道。
Beloved Ones, 親愛的一們 The end of this time means the end of this financial system. And until then it is necessary to have an attitude of Love also toward money, as well as toward all appearances in this world. 此刻的結束意味著這個金融體系的結束。直到那時,對金錢和所有這個世界中的表象擁有一個愛的態度很有必要 I am MASTER KUTHUMI 我是庫圖彌 The reality, which the light warriors of the first and last hours now depend on, is the realization of Love. 第一時刻與最後時刻光戰士現在依靠的現實,是愛的實現
人類站在緊閉的宇宙門戶大門前如此之久…通道和大門由於自身的原因被關閉—很多是因為沒有堅守一的法則,最終讓自己與偉大宇宙之法和合一法則分離。 For so long humanity has stood in front of closed cosmic gateways, doors…. Gateways and doors that had closed in their faces by their own making – mostly by not adhering to the Law of One, and then truly separating themselves from the Greater Cosmic Order and Whole.
數百萬年來,這顆行星被置於隔離中,地球的戰爭持續不斷,但卻沒有延伸到太陽系的其它區域,沒有躍出軌道,就象火星木星數億年前爆發的戰爭一樣。 For many millions of years this planet was thus put under quarantine law, and this was put into place mainly so that the earthly war, as constant as they were at the time, would not spill over into the rest of solar system, and blow it out of orbit, as what happened when the planet between Mars and Jupiter blew itself up billions of years ago.