2015年9月15日 星期二


My beloved children, the 11-11 portal has opened, and with it very powerful energies and opportunities come to you. It is one of the major milestones on your path to Ascension. You have meditated worldwide at this event and spread more love and light on your beautiful planet. Gaia is on the best way to become a beautiful blue star in the universe.

我親愛的孩子們, 1111的星門已經被打開了! 非常強的能量與機會已經到達你的面前! --- 這是你揚昇路上的主要里程碑之一! 全世界的你們都為這一天做了很多冥想! 你們散播了更多的愛與光在你們美麗的星球上. 地球蓋亞已經走在最佳的道路上去成為一顆宇宙中美麗的藍色的星球!

With this portal a new time line is open. Now two time lines are effective, the 3D and 5D timeline. They work in parallel until Ascension and are then separated again. At the same time also Gaia as 5D Earth will be separated from Lady Pan as 3D Earth and continues to live as an independent star in the solar system.

隨著這個星門的開啟, 一條新的時間線也打開了. 現在3D & 5D 的時間線是同時有效! 同時存在的!!! 它們會同時平行的存在直到揚升為止, 然後它們會再分開. 屆時, 地球蓋亞 (5D) 會與 Lady Pan(3D地球) 分道揚鑣, 而成為太陽系中一個獨立的星球. (RL注: 意即以後5D地球仍叫 蓋亞; 但3D地球叫“Lady Pan” (潘女士) 是兩顆各自獨立的星球.)

It is very important to control your thoughts and words, because with this portal all manifestations are speeded up, whether it is positive or negative. Therefore, be very careful in what you think and say. It could manifest immediately.

現在是要好好控制你的思想, 與你所使用的字眼的重要時候 --- 因為隨著這個星門的開啟, 所有願望的顯現會加快 --- 不論你的願望是正面的或負面的! !! 
所以, 小心你所想的事和所說的話吧!它很可能立即就實現了!!!

This is also the time for the Twin Flame Reunion. Unfortunately, the reunion for the Archangels and Ascended Masters has significantly delayed for various reasons. My beloved son Jesus had already announced them for some time before but they had to be postponed.

現在也是 “雙光子靈魂們”再在一起的時候了! 但抱歉的是 --- 轉世的大天使們與再轉世的大師們的 “雙光子靈魂們”的“再聚首”已經被延後了! --- 由於諸多原因的關係! --- 雖然我親愛的兒子耶穌基督已經宣布這件 “雙光子們的再聚首” 一段時間了, 但這件事必須被延期一段時間了! 很不幸!

My beloved, focus now very strong on your Twin Flames. Imagine how you are with them, dream of this time as intense as you can. You are in a time window, which can enable much and also will enable. Some Twin Flames have incarnated on Earth together to conduct their missions jointly. For this, it will now be easier, because the energies of this portal help waking up still sleeping Twins. It is not easy for you, I know it.

親愛的孩子們, 現在你們必須非常強烈的專注在你們的 “雙光子靈魂伴侶”身上. 去想像你們在一起的狀況, 用最強烈的意念去夢想這些相聚的時光!!! 你們現在在一個時間的窗口, 這窗口可以讓很多事情發生而且也會發生! 有些 “雙光子靈魂伴侶”是同時轉世在世上在此時來一起執行一些任務的!!! 為了這些 “天命” --- 現在會變得比較容易了! --- 因為這個1111星門的能量能喚醒仍然在沉睡的 “雙光子靈魂”! --- 這對你們不是容易的事! 我知道!

Usually one Twin is more spiritually developed than the other. It is your job to help them to be awake, to explain to them and fulfill the tasks together. Love your Twin unconditional, do not be deterred by their lack of knowledge. They need you now more than ever.

通常, 一個 “雙光子靈魂” 會比另一個在靈性清醒度上更 “超前”! 你的職責就是去協助其它人清醒過來. 你要去解釋給他們聽, 然後一起完成任務!!! 用無條件的愛來愛你的“雙光子靈魂伴侶”!!! 不要因為他們知識上的暫時落後而延緩了你的腳步! 他們比任何時候都更需要你!

I also know that some of you have given up the hope of a wake up of your Twins and turn away from them. I beseech you therefore, turn around and turn to them with unconditional love. Only together the common tasks can be fulfilled. Were it otherwise, only one Twin had incarnated.

我還知道你們有些人對於喚醒你的“雙光子靈魂伴侶”已經放棄了, 而且已經轉身走開. 我因此懇求你們轉身回去吧! 請你用無條件的愛走向他們! 只有當你們在一起, 聯手的時候, 才能完成這個 “共同的使命”!!! 即使當你們之間, 只有一個人轉世為人的狀況之下, 仍是如此!

Do I h​​ave to remind you of your obligations, your contracts, you've closed before your incarnation? It is not easy for common incarnate Twin Flames, but it is possible to do it. But only if the More advanced help his still sleeping or just waking Twin.

我需要提醒你你個人的義務, 你轉世之前所籤的 “生命合約”嗎? 對於兩個同時轉世為人的“雙光子靈魂伴侶”這個再度磨合是不容易的! 但是可以做到的!!! 只要 “比較清醒的那個”幫助他/她 仍然在睡覺的或是才剛剛醒來的 “雙光子靈魂伴侶”的話!

My dear children, and I appeal to all of the light carriers, now is the time where you have to let your light shine ever more. The changes that are now obviously require your presence, your love and compassion for your fellow man. The forthcoming revelations will confuse many people and maybe even put in fear because their been so well-ordered world will be falling apart.

我親愛的孩子們, 我懇求所有的光之使者們, 現在比任何其它時候, 你更需要發出你的光亮! 目前 “地球的大轉變”很明顯的需要你的出現, 你對其它同胞的愛, 以及慈悲!!! 接下來的 “大揭露” 將讓許多人感到混亂, 很多人會恐懼害怕 --- 因為他們熟悉的很有秩序的舊世界在崩解當中!

Their supposed security will be collapsing and they'll need your help now more than ever. You are the beacon in the strong surf that points the way. It's part of your job to throw a lifeline to your fellow man through your own peace and serenity .

他們過去所熟悉的安全感會垮下來, 而他們會比任何時候更需要你的協助! 你是濤天巨浪當中的那束強力的燈塔的光亮, 能為他們指引方向! !! 你的職責就是對你的同胞們丟出救生圈! --- 用你的平和寧靜來引領他們!!!

Lead them by your example through the coming weeks, you're not going through it alone. Since your stellar families will soon be able to land open, you will get great help. Even my Angels and Ascended Masters support you in your quest.

在未來幾個禮拜, 你必須做他們的榜樣! --- 但你不會是單打獨鬥的做這件事!!!
你的星際家人們很快就可以公開的飛下來, 你會得到很大的幫助!!! 包括我身邊的天使們與迴轉的大師們都會在你要求的時候支持你!!!

You are so great my loved ones, we applaud you for your good work so far. Together, this work, where people have failed over eons, will be accomplished. It is unstoppable. It's now just a matter of preparing as many people as possible to ascend. A wonderful life in the higher dimensions and more is the reward for your wonderful services.

我親愛的, 你們是最棒的! 我們讚許你們到目前為止完成的工作! 在一起, 這個幾萬年來無法被完成的工作, 將會被完成! 這是無法被停止的 ! 現在要做的就是 “盡量準備好人們! 讓越多的人得以揚升!!!”而你們偉大的工作的報償就是你們也會揚升到更高的維度去! 許多的獎勵將等著你們!

Your efforts are seen and appreciated by us. The energies of this portal will remain until Ascension. The portal has also opened a door for those who are already prepared to ascend. Some of you may now be needed on the new earth, to make preparations for the big event in not more than six weeks. Use so please these wonderful opportunities and energies and with mindfulness you can now manifest a great deal in a very short time. You can also speed up and influence the changes even more.

我們都看到了你們的努力, 欣賞你們的表現! 1111星門的能量會一直滯留到揚升為止! 對那些早就準備好要揚升的人 --- 這星門也提供了一個提早揚升的機會!!! 你們有些人目前需要被留在新地球上, 為未來六個禮拜的 “大事件” 做準備!!! 所以善用目前的能量以及美好的機會吧! --- 你現在可以在短時間內實現很多事! 你也可以協助加速和影響 “地球大改變”的發生過程!!!

My beloved children, I envelope you in my infinite love. You are all quite fantastic people, light carriers, wayshowers and starseeds; my beloved incarnated Angels and Ascended Masters I refer here as well. Could you only all enjoy the view, which I have at the sight of Gaia. You would be amazed and would not doubt your success anymore.

我親愛的孩子們, 我用我無盡的愛包裹住你們! 你們都是非常奇妙的人類, 光之使者, 帶路者和星際種子. --- 我親愛的轉世的天使們以及迴轉的轉世大師們, 你們也都在我的愛里面! 你們可以與我一起分享我所看到的美麗景觀嗎? --- 我所看到的美麗的地球蓋亞! 如果你們看到了, 你們會非常的驚訝, 而不會再懷疑你們的成功了! (RL注: 現在和未來的成功都早就保證了!)

I am your mother, I am Lady Maria.

我是你們的母親! 我是聖母 瑪麗亞!


1 則留言:

  1. 您好,我這裡有一個星際孩子極需要緩助,她現在的精神很痛苦,她每天都在哭泣,讓我感覺到非常的心疼,可是我沒辦法完全幫上忙。
