2013年9月26日 星期四


As you turn to Me and cultivate love in your life you open the door to miracles and blessings of all kinds. The blessings that matter most to you are the changes in your own mind, the change in perspective, the changes in thinking and attitude.


The gift of forgiveness is a powerful blessing for you.


Learning to forgive is a miracle.


Learning to let go is a miracle.


Do you see how much better your life is as you learn to let go of your anger? Do you see what a burden it is when you judge yourself or others? Do you recognize how much happier you are without harsh judgments?


I give you My Love. There is no blessing you could ask for which is more important or more powerful than that. There is no earthly thing which matters half as much as that. If you have My Love, and you do, you have what matters most in the world.


Now, remember My Love. Accept My Love. Bask in My Love. Feel the warmth and power of My Love washing over you. Let Me dissolve the hurts that you have carried for so long. Let Me lift you out of sorrow and grief. Allow Me to lift your burdens. You don't need to carry them anymore. You never really did.


Let go of the past. Let go of your mistakes. Let go of the mistakes of others. These things are burdens that you do not need to carry. Instead of these burdens carry the lightness of My Love. Be filled with lightness and with joy.


Let go of shame and of blame. These things do not serve you. My Love serves you. A heart full of joy serves you. A heart overflowing with love and with gratitude which looks at all of life as one big blessing serves you. A heart at peace, content, which knows the richness and fullness of My Love serves you.


Let go of that which does not serve you. Let go of those old thoughts and feelings which were a burden. Be unburdened now. Feel My Power washing over you dissolving those old patterns of thought. Feel My Love transforming you.


Be lifted up now. Allow Me to lift you. Accept My Power and My Presence. Accept the love that I give you. Accept the blessing that I give you.


Each and every day I bless you and every day you rise higher.


Feel your burdens falling away one by one.


Feel the natural lightness of your spirit.



通靈:Heart Song Meditation
翻譯:Nick Chan

