2013年9月21日 星期六

【耶穌撒南達】透過合一的覺知意識顯化“慶祝” “合一”與“神的祝福”

Manifesting Celebration. Oneness. Bliss. Through Unity Consciousness. A Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 18, 2013.

翻譯: 林琚月 20130920 

We are standing inside a portal beginning with the Full Moon and moving into an Equinox. We have just exited back to back Star of Davids where the Heavens were activati ng all hearts on Earth. When two grand triangles meet in the Heavens it is a period where Heaven is moving closer to Earth. The Cosmos is moving through the Portals which manifest the end of darkness on Earth. It is likened to a kaleidoscope turning to reveal a certain pattern in space and time. When we open our hearts and envision a better world for ourselves and others, we can manifest our dreams on Earth: Love, Peace, Beauty, Abundance and Joy.

我們現在站在一個星門之中,從滿月開始, 然後移入換季線的冬分. 我們才剛從在尾端的戴維之星退出又退入~~在那裡, 所有天堂們正在啟動地球上所有的心.當兩個巨大的三角形在天堂相遇 ~~這段時期就是天堂向地球靠攏的時候.大宇宙cosmo正在穿越星門們~~ 這就化現了'地球黑暗時代'的結束.這很像一個萬花筒正在轉呀轉的來顯示出一個固定的時空形式出來.而當我們打開我們的心 ~~~並且'可視化'一個更好的世界~~為我們自己和別人, 我們就能化現我們在地球的夢想: 愛, 和平, 美麗, 豐盛與歡樂.

In July and August we were together traveling through these mulitdimensional portals anchoring in the manifestation of a more ecstatic and joyful life on Earth. September sees it coming into Form on Earth.

在七月與八月, 我們一起旅行穿越了這些多維度星門~~~這些錨定在化現一個令人更欣喜若狂而且歡樂的地球人生的星門.而九月我們將看到這'形式'顯現在地球之上.

September 18 Saturn and the North Node with Venus conjunct in Scorpio. We will need to clear our final fears before crossing the doorway of Abundance. We MUST do it together. The only thing missing before harvest is Unity Consciousness. September 19 brings the Harvest Moon where all the seeds we planted last Spring come to fruit.20130918

土星和金星的北交點會合在天蠍座.~~~我們必須在此時期清除掉我們最後的恐懼---在我們穿越這道門崁進入'豐盛' 之前.我們 ‘必須’ 一起做到這件事!!!在'豐收' 之前唯一還沒到位的事是--- “聯合的意識力量”!!!20130919帶來的這個 “收成月亮”~~~在此時, 我們收成春天播下的種子所結成的果實.

September 22 brings the Equinox. This is a period when Earth's magnetic filed is at its weakest allowing easier access to other dimensions. This is where the walls of density collapse.

20130922換季開始. 在此時期地球的磁場是最脆弱的~~~因此讓她容易接近\進入其他維度們.~~就在此時, 密度之牆壁們會崩塌.

Venus is the only magnetic Planet in our Solar System. This conjunct allows Earth to take in the Feminine Magnetic Energy as Love in rare large doses. At the same time Saturn represents our ability to be initiated into our Highest States of Consciousness. The timing is ripe for everything on Earth to change. When changeover comes it can only come through a great rise in love quotient and consciousness.

在我們的太陽系之中, 金星是唯一一個磁性行星.這個結合得以讓地球吸入叫做'愛'的女性磁場能量~~~而且以希有的大份量進來.在同時間, 土星代表了我們的'能力' ~~來開啟我們進入我們最高境界的'覺知意識'.時間正是在成熟時分~~讓地球上的每一件事都轉變!!!當改變發生時 ~~~它只能夠透過一個'愛能量'的份量的巨大提升,以及‘覺知意識’的大提升而發生.

During this Equinox with the illusionary walls dissolving the Solar Gate is aligned now with the Galactic Pole and this is causing amplifications of Intergalactic Transmissions through our Sun. This is a most auspicious time for Abundance on Earth.

在這條換季線--- 幻覺的牆壁們在崩塌之中,而現在'太陽星門' 與銀河的磁極已經對齊~~~這造成了銀河間能量傳輸的巨大擴大~~~透過我們太陽而來.這是一個最吉祥的時刻來讓'豐盛' 發生在地球之上.

The Stages of Understanding

In the last many months so many more have had the Higher Truths float into their consciousness. Sharing together without borders online has done the job. Still there are great disparities between a Souls understanding. The factors playing into this are number of lifetimes on Earth, karma, heart opening, conscious awareness and inner development.

在最近這幾個月來, 有如此許多的'更高真理'流入了他們的'覺知意識' 裡. 而且沒有國界限制的網絡分享也做到了這樣的工程. 但是,仍然, 每個靈魂的理解力是有很大的差異的. 造成理解差異的原因有許多, 如在地球轉世的次數, 業障, 心開放的程度,'覺知意識'的敏感度, 以及內在修為的發展狀況.

When we watch a newborn around the clock and assist it to eat and watch it sleep about 20 hours a day we see it grow gradually. At two we help it walk and run which it could not do a few months before. We put the young one into pre-school and then school and on until later it is ready for post graduate studies. We see this as layers of normal development for Humanity.

當我們鎮日觀護著一個新生嬰兒, 協助他吃, 看他睡覺, 一天20個小時, 我們會看到他逐漸的長大. 兩歲時我們幫助他走路和跑跳~~~那是他幾個月之前所做不到的. 然後我們帶他上幼兒園, 然後上小學, 直到他讀研究所.我們把這個看成是人類正常的發展階段.

Spiritually speaking the same is true. The problem we must deal with is that not everyone has cleared their stuff to the moment which is required to bring Abundance to Earth. We can deal with this quickly and move through this weekend coming out on the other side of these energies changed. We can greet Abundance on Earth in a matter of days when these prerequisites are met.

在靈性成長上也是如此.我們必須面對的這個問題是~~ 並非每一個人到目前為止~~都已經清理好了他們的事情---來將'豐盛' 帶到地球之上.我們可以快速的處理一下這問題, 而穿越這個週末,走到能量改變的另一邊.我們可以在幾天之內就迎來'地球的豐盛' ~~~當這些 ‘事前要求’ 都達目標時候.

The challenge we are facing is a large number of newly awakened, toddlers and pre schoolers unsure how to navigate alone. They have tipped the scales as they are awakened and aware. They have issues with fears just like any small child. This is a part of normal development. As we move up we understand more about our World and fears fall away.

我們面對的挑戰是– 有一大群剛剛覺醒的人, 剛學會走路的小孩,幼兒園生~~還不太確定如何自己走路的. ~~~但當他們覺醒的時候他們已經把事件發生的天平傾斜了.但就像個孩子一樣, 他們有恐懼. 這是正常成長的部份.當我們長大時, 我們對這世界了解得更多, 而恐懼就消失了.

Fear About Money Keeps the Event just an arms length away.由於對於金錢的恐懼 ---讓'大事件' 的發生還在一尺之遠的距離之外!There are only two items which must ever be addressed on Earth. The immediate and the Infinite. This causes a feeling of living in two worlds. We are awake we are aware of our Earth personality Self and simultaneously recognize our Highest Self as Co-Creators . It can be a challenge to deal with the fears associated with money especially.

目前在地球上, '只有' 兩件事---必須處理面對.~~~立即性的, 與無限的(永恆的).這造成了一種感覺~~~就是活在兩個世界的感覺. 我們都明白我們有個'地球人性', 而且同時間也認識清楚了我們最高的本我是我們命運的“共同創造者”.而在面對處理金錢問題所造成的恐懼時---這真是一大挑戰!

There are almost 42 million people in the United States in poverty. There are over 3 billion people worldwide in poverty. The banks are dissolving and the Sheriff comes to the door to take over our possessions and throw us out of our homes.

在美國大約有四千兩百萬生活在貧窮之中的人. 全球有超過三十億窮人. 銀行家們在消溶當中, 而警察到人們的家裡去, 拿走財產, 把我們丟出我們的家之外.

Hunger, Powerlessness, Constant Worry, Months of Lack and Fear build and even the most advanced Souls are challenged to remain the same. The immediate needs of earning money, paying the house note, keeping the car running, bringing in enough food consistently are a huge barrier to changing everything on Earth.

飢餓, 無力感, 永無休止的擔憂, 連續數月的貧乏, 恐懼在累積---即使是最先進的靈魂也被挑戰要維持不變. 這賺錢的立即需要, 償付房貸, 維持車子能動的開銷, 購買足夠的食物…這些持續的壓力變成了一個巨大的障礙---來改變地球上的每件事.

We all know we are Infinite Beings and yet it is difficult to remain in that knowing throughout each day. This imbalance holds Earth to scarcity and want. It holds the Ego Mind in the driver seat fighting for the body to stay fed, warm and safe .

我們都知道我們是 ‘無限的存有’,但是想要一整天都停留在這樣的認知當中卻很困難.這個不平衡把地球困在'貧乏' 與'想望' 當中.它把'小我ego心智' 困在駕駛座上---日日為身體的食衣住行溫飽與安全而奮戰.

It holds Earth Humanity to animal instincts and impedes the enactment of NESARA Law.We can change this. We can do this together. We can do it quickly. This is a Clarion Call from the Lords Most High inviting you to behave like the Co- Creator God you are. Know your immediate needs are met. Know you are an Infinite Being. Stay in that Knowing day in and day out. This will make all the difference when we do this together. It takes a little Faith and Trust.

這困境把地球人類困在'動物直覺性'上面, 也妨礙了NESARA法令的執行. ~~~我們可以改變這個.我們可以一起做到這個改變.而且我們可以一起很快的做到這改變. ~~~這是來自最高的主對大家的呼籲 ~~~要求你們開始舉止行為像個'共同造物主' 的你真實的身份.明白你立即的需要會被滿足. 知道你是個'無限的存有'.請你一整天, 每天都停留在這樣的認知當中.~~~當我們一起這樣做時~~所有的一切都會改變!~~~只需要一些些信心與信任!

Behave like a Co-Creator and Manifest Changeover.
像個'共同造物者'一樣舉止行為, 並顯化出'大轉變'

For the next eleven days I invite you to concentrate only on the Event. Keep your attention in the immediate world only for short periods as needed. Concentrate on the magnetic love energies permeating Earth, your bodies, the animals and trees and oceans. Toggle back and forth between the mundane World and the Spiritual as you go about your day. Go to work, spend time with your family and enjoy every minute of it. In the moments between, meditate on manifesting the changes on Earth. Work very diligently at staying out of fear. Take a nap. Do Yoga. Practice deep breathing exercises right at your desk. Take a break and have a cup of tea. Go for a walk. Have a bath.

在未來的十一天我邀請你們來專注在'地球轉變大事件'之上. 只把你部份的時間依照需要, 短暫的放在立即的眼前世界上. 專注在目前正瀰漫著地球, 你的身體, 動物界,植物界, 和海洋的磁性的愛的能量.讓你自己來回切換在世俗世界與靈性世界之間,隨著你生活的動態. (一樣)去上班,花時間陪家人, 享受每一分鐘. 但在其中,冥想 ‘大轉變’ 的發生的顯化.非常努力的讓自己停留在恐懼之外.睡個午覺. 做做瑜珈. 在你桌子前面做做呼吸練習.休息一下, 喝杯茶. 散個步. 洗個澡.

For eleven days, uninterrupted, use every technique available to you to stay out of fear. Stop watching the holograms running governments switching the newspaper headlines form one shoot up to the next, from one government shut down to the next. Just completely avoid the news . Go Inside. Do not read the Spiritual news because much of it holds you back more than it helps.

在十一天當中, 不間斷的,使用你知道的所有方法來停留在恐懼之外.停止觀看政府們操弄的全息影像, 不斷轉換報紙頭條新聞從一張拍攝照片到下一張, 從一間政府部門的關閉到下一個.完全不要去看新聞!!!往內在去探索!也不要閱讀靈性新聞(?) ---因為大部份訊息只會拖住你而非幫助到你!!!

Join your Groups together and have Worldwide Meditations for Peace. Make it go viral. Instead of discussing the fear, pain, death playing out on the Stage, discuss what you will do when you are given $10 million dollars. What will your World look like then? What will it look like when Abundance, Joy and Peace spread over Earth. We are that close.

參加你們團體的活動, 舉辦為世界和平祈福的冥想. 放在網絡上讓大家參與. 與其討論恐懼, 痛苦, 階段性的衰亡,討論討論~~~當你拿到一千萬美元時你打算做什麼?你們的世界看起來會是什麼樣子?當地球擁有豐盛, 歡樂以及和平瀰漫時,地球會是什麼樣子?我們現在就是如此接近到該想想這些事了!

Disclosure First Contact
大揭露 ‘第一次的外星大接觸’

Disclosure will happen when President Obama stands before you and says the governments on Earth have engaged with Extraterrestrials and used Extraterrestrial technologies for decades.

當歐巴馬總統站在你們面前, 告訴你們說:地球上的政府與外星人接觸,並且使用外星科技已經幾十年了.

We will begin to forgive those who hid the Truth when they were not sure what else to do in the face of such stark realities. We will begin to forgive those who moved ahead to weaponize space and never asked us to join in the decision. Whether for greed, love of war, or fear – we will all forgive them now. We will begin to reunite with our Galactic Family and no one will experience fear once all is explained. The news will come out in every language, over the computer, the radio, tv and simultaneously.

我們會開始原諒那些隱藏真相的人--- 那時他們在面對如此嚴峻的現實時, 他們並不確定還能怎麼辦. 我們會開始原諒那些走向武裝太空, 而從沒有邀請我們來參與這決定的討論的人. ---不論他們的目的是為了貪婪, 好戰還是恐懼--- 我們現在會開始原諒他們!!! 我們會開始重新結合我們銀河家人們, 而且一但所有事都解釋清楚了, 就不會有人再害怕了. 新聞會以各種語言, 在計算機上, 在收音機上, 電視上, 全部同時播放!


Everyone on Earth will take a vacation day. Even the firefighters and nurses who report for work will be bored and watchinghe Announcements on tv with everyone there.Changeover, Zero Point Energy and World Peacewill be part of the Announcements.Lady Master Nada will take the podium to publicly Announce NESARA Law.

每個地球人在這一天都會放假. 就連必須上班的救火消防隊員和護士們也會無聊的跟著所有人一起看著電視上的'大宣布' ~~~'地球大轉變', '零點能量', 世界和平~~~將會是‘大宣布’的部份內容.娜達夫人將會在講台上對大眾宣布NESARA法令.

The Enactment of NESARA Law

With NESARA Law publicly announced all the elected officials in all the governments will step down from their posts. Election campaigns will happen a few months later after everything is sorted out. Around 470 United States Congress Members will be arrested along with the bankers, judges, politicians, police, media and any and all who participated willfully in holding up NESARA Law. There will be hundreds of thousands of seals broken on indictments waiting to be served moments after the enactment of NESARA Law.

美國國會有大約470名國會議員會被逮捕, 同時會被逮捕的
還有許多銀行家, 法官, 政客, 警察, 新聞媒體,
在NESARA法令開始執行的幾分鐘之後, 會交給所有罪嫌.

The reparations that are for everyone on Earth and the humanitarian funds will be explained during these first few days.

給地球每個人的賠償金, 以及人道款項將會在頭幾天內被解釋清楚.

Reuniting With Your Twin Flame

Some people will be reuniting with their Twin Flames immediately. Those who are ready and have prepared themselves will be joined with their Twin Flame to begin the work of healing Earth and all on Her.

那些準備好的人, 已經把自己準備好了的人

What will we expect after the Event? An Orgasm in the Heart. This is the most amazing feeling that stays with you for days.

在 ‘大事件’ 之後會發生什麼事?

Your head is thrust back by a force and there are these contractions that flow in the rings up the neck and then contractions in the jaw and the tongue and lips become instantly numb and breathlessly you say to your Twin Flame: What was that? They say , with a wry smile – You Just Had An Orgasm In Your Heart.

你的頭被一個強大力量所擊中, 然後有陣陣的波浪收縮從脖子上環繞上去, 然後在下巴與舌頭與嘴唇間收縮, 會讓你立即變得麻木, 無法呼吸, 然後你會跟你的'雙生光靈魂' 說: “這是什麼呀?” 他們會說, 帶著一個苦笑---你剛剛在你的心上面經歷了一個'興奮高潮'了.

Once you remember then you never forget again. The love, joy, bliss and peace that can be experienced on Higher Levels will be abundantly available to everyone. We will get down to the work of healing the sick and feeding the hungry, giving free energy to all and housing the homeless.

一但你記得了, 那你就永遠不會再忘記.在更高階層能夠經驗到的'愛', '歡樂' 與備受祝福的感覺~~~將大量的提供給每個人.我們會開始做~~治療病人, 餵食飢餓, 提供免費自由能源給所有人, 以及安置好無家可歸的流浪漢的工作.

How do you know who your Twin Flame is? This is where the Inner Work comes in. You work on your own remembering of yourself and this magnetizes your Twin, the other half of you becoming Whole. As you embrace who you are and become your best you literally magnetize your Twin Flame to you even if they are on the other side of the world. Even if they are on the Ships. If you are in a relationship with someone who is not your Twin Flame, eventually you both will long to be single and free to pursue the Twin Flame relationship. Some will prefer to remain celibate on their Mission.

你如何知道誰是你的‘雙生光靈魂’?這就是你 ‘內心的工作’了!
這樣做會磁化你的'雙光子' 讓你'完整'的另一半的你.

當你擁抱了你自己是誰這件事, 而且成為最好的你自己
即使他們在世界的另外一邊. 即使他們在飛船上.

假如你目前與一個不是你的'雙光子'的別人在一個關係裡, 最終你們兩人都會想恢復單身去尋找自己'雙生光靈魂'的關係. 而一些人會選擇在執行任務時保持獨身.

Integrating Christ Consciousness

As we pass through this most auspicious energy focus your thoughts on integrating Christ Consciousness into your Being. Push yourself. Each new day add one or two new activities that bring you Higher. An Enlightened Being engages only in certain activities. The list is very different for each individual Soul. The list is short.

在整合'基督意識'進入你的存在體中. 督促自己!
在每一個新的日子裡, 加入一個或兩個新的活動
來把自己往上推進. 一個'開悟的存有'只會參與某些活動.
這活動清單對每個個人都不同. 這活動清單很短.

It is about having a pure mind, pure body and pure heart. It is about devoting everything to helping others. It is about doing whatever it takes no matter how hard it becomes. It is about Being Galactic. Integrate Christ Consciousness into your Being. Integrate NESARA into your World. Do It Now! We will do it together, and we will do it with love. This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 17,

活動目的是為了擁有一個純潔的心智,純潔的身體, 以及一顆純潔的心.是關於貢獻一切來協助他人.
是關於做所有必須做的事, 不論事情有多困難.
是關於作為一個'銀河存有' 的實相/存在狀態!
我們將一起做到! 我們將一起用'愛'做到! 

這是耶穌撒南達透過Elizabeth Trutwin傳導, 20130917.

2013.09.18 © All Rights

