2013年9月28日 星期六





Twin Flames embody the energies of Creation, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.


A Twin Flame couple is a cell in God's heart.


The shared Twin Flame or SoulMate heart is an opening to deliver God's Love to all of Creation.

這個被雙生光靈魂或是靈魂伴侶所共同分享的心是一個通往上帝的 ‘開口’, 透過這裡, ‘上帝的愛’被傳送給所有的被創造存有.

God's Love comes to us every Now Moment in pulsations which sustain all of life.


Reunited Twin Flame couples feel those pulsations as ecstasy together.


Twin Flame couples not only deliver God's Love but generate new Love to add to God's Love.


The fiery molten Love shared by Twin Flames can actually melt the frozen hearts of humanity and help God return them to Love.

雙生光靈魂之間火熱的熔融的愛能夠真實的溶化人類冰凍的心田, 同時協助上帝將他們回返到愛之中.



When you come together with your Twin Flame, even in consciousness before meeting in the physical, you begin creating a shared SoulMate heart.

當你與你的雙生光靈魂相聚之時, 即使只是在覺知意識之中, 在物質世界裡的會面之前, 你們就已經開始在創造一個共同分享的靈魂伴侶之心.

This Twin Flame heart is a powerful tool for bringing the world back to Love. Anything or anyone placed in the Twin Flame heart is brought right to God, and thus returned to Love.

這個雙生光靈魂之心是一個強大的工具來把世界帶回到愛中!任何人或是任何東西被放在雙生光靈魂之心中的, 都立刻被帶到上帝這裡來, 也因此可以回返到愛中來.

God asks you to commit to coming together in consciousness to build this Twin Flame heart together, before coming together in the physical.

上帝要求你們去承諾~~ 在覺知意識之中~~一起團聚來建造這個雙生光靈魂之心~~在物質世界裡的會面之前.

This creates a firm foundation of Love for the relationship on the spiritual level.



‘心’ 相對於 ‘小我自尊心’

Why is it so important to build the Twin Flame relationship in consciousness?


Most relationships on Earth are ego relationships based on old relating patterns, fears and superficial judgments.

地球上大部份的關係都是建立在老的關係架構模式上的‘小我自尊心’ (之需求)關係 – 比方 ‘恐懼’ 與 ‘表面的評判評價’.

The ego always creates separation and represents what we are healing here on Earth.

這‘小我自尊心’總是創造 ‘分離感’, 以及所有目前我們在治療地球的(所有錯誤思想與傷害).

The ego keeps us turned away from Love or being truly in our heart.

這‘小我自尊心’讓我們遠離 ‘愛’, 或是做 ‘違心’ 之事.

The SoulMate heart is so powerful that a couple must be committed to living in the heart and not the ego if they want a true SoulMate relationship.

一個靈魂伴侶的心是如此強大~~因此一對伴侶必須承諾去居住在心裡, 而不是 ‘小我自尊心’裡, ~~假如他們想要一個真實的靈魂伴侶的關係的話.

Coming together in consciousness builds a foundation in Love and a real heart relationship, before coming together physically can bring up any possibilities of superficial judgments.

在覺知意識之中團圓在一起~~可以建造一個 ‘愛’ 與 ‘真心’ 的關係的基礎---在他們在物質層面中相聚之前---避免掉引出任何可能的 ‘膚淺的評判\判斷’.



Everyone has had the experience we call intuition. It is a knowingness of the heart that bypasses the mind. Meeting in consciousness is the awareness of your Twin in spirit, in your heart, in knowingness.

每個人都有過這個我們稱之為 ‘直覺’ 的經驗.~~~那是一種‘心的認知’--- 那是超越心智\理智層面的. “相聚在覺知意識之中”~~~就是一種 ‘知覺’~~在精神層面, 在你的心中, 在 ‘直覺認知’裡知道, 意識到你的雙生光靈魂的存在.

The Twin Flame energy is so powerful that by focusing on your Twin, calling him or her to you, and sending Love from deep in your heart, you can quickly move into a glorious relationship in consciousness.

這雙生光靈魂的能量是如此強大,~~因此透過專注在你的雙生光靈魂之上~~呼喚他\她到你身旁來, 從你心的最深處寄送愛給他\, 你可以很快的移入一種光輝燦爛的關係中~~在覺知意識裡.

Soon you will feel the SoulMate heart you are building together.

很快的, 你就可以感覺到這個你們一起共同建造的靈魂伴侶的心.

Then, by agreement, you will begin working together with your SoulMate heart to give Love, not only to each other, but to all of life.

然後, 透過彼此的同意, 你們將會與你們的靈魂伴侶開始工作在一起~~~不只是把愛給彼此, 而且是給所有的生命.

This returns you as a Twin Flame couple to the flow of Creation which is based on giving. What you give comes back to you, and your Twin Flame relationship will grow in amazing ways.

這樣做會讓你們, 做為一對雙生光靈魂伴侶, 能夠回返入造物的創造之能量流中 ~~而這能量是奠基在 ‘給予’ 上面. 你所給出的東西將會回返到你身上,~~~然後你們做為一對雙生光靈魂伴侶的關係~~ 將會以不可思議的方式演化發展出去.




Twin Flames were created by God as a package of Creation, each being the embodiment of Love for the other. Thus, your Twin Flame is the perfect mirror of the Love you are as God created you, but carrying the opposite charge (Divine Masculine or Divine Feminine). Being two halves of the same heart, when you look at your Twin Flame you see yourself. So Twin Flames always mirror for each other the "state of your heart."

雙生光靈魂是上帝以 ‘成對套裝’的方式所做的創作~~ 彼此互為彼此的愛的具體化現.因此, 你的雙生光靈魂就是上帝創造你的時候的 '愛的能量' 的完美鏡面反照~~只是攜帶著相對應的磁極(是神聖男性或是女性).~~~是一顆心的兩半 ~~當你看著你的雙生光靈魂時 ~~~
你也看到了你自己.所以, 雙生光靈魂永遠是彼此的鏡面效應~~~永遠反射著你的心的狀態.

According to the law of vibration, Twin Flames would not come together until they could meet each other in perfect Love. This would be difficult for most people on Earth. However, with the SoulMate Dispensation from God, Twin Flames or SoulMates are now able to come together here before each is living perfect Love. This is exciting for us and holds great promise for the world.

依照頻率振動法則 ~~ 雙生光靈魂無法在一起 --- 直到他們能夠在 ‘完美的愛’ 中相聚時為止!!!這對地球上大部份的人都是困難的一件事.但是, 隨著上帝賞賜的“靈魂伴侶天啟 SoulMate Dispensation”下來~~現在雙生光靈魂們或是靈魂伴侶們將能夠相聚
~~~在彼此能夠活出 ‘完美的愛’ 之前.--- 這對我們是非常令人興奮的事, 而且對世界而言, 也帶來了很大的希望與承諾.

It is important to understand that because your Twin Flame is your mirror, if, at the time you meet, you have "heart's beliefs" that are ego or fear-based, they too will show up before you in your SoulMate. As Twin Flames say "Yes" to Love and draw together, there are three things that are critically important.

非常重要的是要了解 ~~就因為你的雙生光靈魂是你的鏡子,所以假如, 在你們相聚之時, 你有 ‘心的信念’問題 --- 那是屬於 ‘小我自尊心ego’的, 或是 ‘以恐懼為基礎的信念’, --- 它們也同樣會出現在你的靈魂伴侶身上~~在你看到他\她的時候.因此當雙生光靈魂們對愛情做出承諾而團圓相聚在一起之前 --- 有三件事情是具有 ‘關鍵地位’的重要事情 ---

First, each person must be deeply and completely committed to acknowledging his or her ego/old beliefs and making the shift to the heart again and again, bringing each old belief to God to transform.

首先, 每個人必須深刻的, 而且完全的, 承諾臣服並認知\確認他或她
個人ego小我心智的老舊觀念是那些, 並且一次又一次的改變自己的觀念入本心之中,把每一個舊觀念都帶到上帝面前去轉化.

RL: 我不自覺的做過(把每一個舊觀念都帶到上帝面前去轉化)這事. --- 非常神奇有效! 我甚至不知道自己怎會一下子壓頂的泰山就不見了, 心整個輕鬆起來, 彷若沒事一般. 神奇!

Second, each couple must be committed to seeing themselves together as a unit, choosing Love over ego. For example, if one person falls into fear based on an old relationship issue, this is a situation for both people to address together. As a couple they must view the ego reaction as something that is not who they truly are, not real, and as something that they can transform. If the person in fear cannot see this clearly, the other person must always stay in the heart, giving purest Love to their partner.

其次, 每對伴侶都必需承諾去看待彼此的 ‘在一起’是一種‘合一的單元’ ~~並選擇 '' 超過彼此的小我自尊心 ego.舉例而言, 假如有一方掉入了以恐懼為基礎的老式(愛情)關係議題的話--- 這就是一個需要雙方共同坐下來一起處理的狀況. 做為 ‘一對佳偶’ ~~他們必需把小我自尊心 ego的反應視為某種 ---不代表他們 ‘真實自我寫照’, 所以不真實的東西. -- 而且要相信這些是他們可以有能力轉化掉的東西.假如恐懼的一方一時無法清楚的看見這些, 另一方必需永遠要停留在本心之中 ~~~並且把最純粹的愛給予他\她的伴侶!

Third, Twin Flame couples must daily, even hourly, give their will to God, keeping their focus on Love and trusting God to carry them "across the veil" into perfect Love. From the Messages from God: "If a couple together keeps their focus on Me, they can shift easily to Love" "A Twin Flame couple is focused together on Me, for where your focus is, so you create; so you shall be. So ‘in this world' as the Twin Flames or SoulMates come together, the initial focus is on each other. But then, the opening of the heart this creates must be used to turn both people to Me, together. A couple giving together, focused on Me is available for Real Love, and the proof will be the feelings of ecstasy and the expression all around them of the one truth of Love."

第三, 雙生光靈魂伴侶們必須天天, 甚至時時, 把他們的意志力臣服給上帝,把他們的焦點放在 ‘愛’上面, 同時信任上帝會帶著他們 ‘跨越面紗’而進入完美的愛之中.上帝說過 : “一對雙生光靈魂伴侶是一起專注在我身上的 ~~因為你們的專注力在那裡 ~~你們就會創造出什麼;所以你們應該一起專注在我的身上. 所以, “在這個世界”裡, 當雙生光靈魂或是靈魂伴侶們聚在一起時, 他們最初的專注力是在彼此身上,然後, 隨著 ‘心的開放’~~~就會創造出\帶出一個現象~~~就是這顆 ‘共同的心’ 必然會把他們兩人一起都轉向 ‘上帝 ---我’.當‘一對佳偶’ ~~他們一起互相付出, 專注在‘上帝 ---我’ ~~就自然會處在 ‘真實的愛’ 中, 而證據就是 ~~ 這個狂喜的感覺, 以及包裹住他們的這 ‘唯一的愛’ 的所有現象.

Remember, if you choose each morning together to see only Love and to be only Love and strongly attune your hearts, you will experience only ecstasy and joy together and all else will transform in the fires of your Love. Affirm together that it is easy. Love is what you choose. Remember that we've already "walked it back" for you and go for pure Love, giving together to humanity and being a very important part of lifting the world back to Love.

記住 ~~~假如你選擇從每天的早晨開始~~只有 ‘看到愛’, 而且 ‘只去成為愛’, 而且‘強壯的調整你們的心’在這個方向上~~~你們只會一起經驗到 ‘狂喜’與 ‘愉悅’, 而所有其他的一切都會在你們的愛火之中被轉化.一起向彼此確認 ~~這是很容易的一件事.你們選擇的就是 ‘愛’.記得我們已經 ‘為了你們’ ‘一起散步回歸了’ ~~而且是為了 ‘純粹的愛’~~是為了一起為人類做付出, ~~而且是為了 ‘存在於在‘提升地球回到愛中’ 這件事所扮演的非常重要部份!



You may have had many experiences in your life that at the time seemed negative, difficult or even traumatic. Now as you come together with your Twin Flame you will understand these things in a whole new way.

在你們的人生中, 你們可能有過許多經驗~~~看起來好像是‘負面’ 的, 困難的, 甚至是悲劇的. 現在, 隨著你與你的雙生光靈魂團聚,

Part of God's plan was for us to experience every aspect of human life, and when we come together with our SoulMate, we then use our SoulMate heart to bring every experience of anti-Love back to God, and thus to Love.

在上帝部份的計劃之中 ~~~就是要讓我們去經驗人類生活的每個層面,
而當我們與我們的靈魂伴侶團聚時, 我們然後~~會用我們靈魂伴侶的心來把每一個“與愛相反"的經驗 ---- 帶回到上帝面前 ~~~帶回入 ‘愛' 之中.

So now you can see that everything you've been through, no matter how difficult, has been for a reason. You will "walk it back" to God with your Twin Flame , and with you will be "walked back" all similar experiences on the planet by the law of resonance

所以你們現在可以了解~~~你們經歷過的每一件事 ~~不論有多麼困難
~~它的發生都是有原因的!!! ~~~你們將會 “把它散步回去"~~~回到上帝面前~~與你的雙生光靈魂一起 ~~而隨同著你們一起回去(見上帝) ~~~就是這地球上所有類似的經驗~~~依照“頻率共鳴法則".


Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but have no love, I am sounding brass of a tinkling cymbal...Though I tell what is to come, and know all secrets, and all wisdom; and though I have faith strong as the storm which lifts mountains from their seat, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and give all my fire that I have received from my Father, but have no love, I am in no wise profited... Love is patient, love is kind...Love is not envious, works no evil, knows not pride; is not rude, neither selfish; is slow to anger, imagines no mischief; rejoices not in injustice, but delights in justice...Love defends all, love believes all, love hopes all, love bears all; never exhausts itself; but as for tongues they shall cease, and, as for knowledge, it shall vanish away......

 “雖然, 我用人類和天使的語言在說話,可是如果沒有愛的話 --- 我只是在敲動一個響鈸的銅鑼板而已…雖然我預言了即將發生的事情, 也知道所有的秘密, 以及所有的智慧; 而且雖然我擁有強大的信心像可以拔起山丘那樣大的暴風雨的強烈信心,但是如果不是愛的力量的話 ---我就什麼也不是.而雖然我把我所有的東西賞賜給窮人, 而且把我從我父親處得到的火力全部給出去, 但是如果不是愛的力量的話 ---我就什麼智慧也沒有得到….

愛是耐性! 愛是友善!愛不是羨慕, 愛不做任何邪惡的行為, 愛不知道有自尊的存在, 愛不會粗暴, 也不會自私, 會生氣得很慢, 不會想像或是假設對方的惡意戲弄, 不會冤枉別人, 而且只喜歡正義, 愛可以抵抗所有問題, 愛相信一切, 愛會希望所有的事,愛可以忍受一切, 愛永遠不會終止, 為了愛, 舌頭會停止, 知識會消失…

I honour the love you anchor on the earth plane......


Brenda Tenerelli

我尊敬並榮耀你們錨定在地球行星之上的 ‘愛'


Brenda Tenerelli

作者: Brenda

